It’s all about good vibes!

Whether you can throw down in the kitchen or on a canvas, whether you have a self-published book, a painting, photos, something you knitted or drew—really any expression of your creative self is welcome here. We believe you have an artist inside of you, and that you’re a creator by nature. Everyone is a piece of art, as we are all unique and different in our own beautiful, human way.

Art comes in many forms and mediums and our goal is to highlight that every month by bringing various artists, makers, creatives and lovers of art together from all over the World.

Amidst, what seemed to be nonstop “bad news” in 2020 we wanted to create an outlet for creatives and lovers of art to come together once a month and tap into their creative side. Our goal is to leave others feeling better than when they arrived. Art can save the World and bring humanity closer together.

We are a diverse community of creatives and artists hailing from various corners of the globe. Our passion for art unites us, and we strive to use our collective talents to make a difference in the world.

At the core of our beliefs is the conviction that every person deserves to live a life free from injustice and inequality. We see ourselves as born creators, each possessing the power to effect change, starting with ourselves. Our aim is to provide an experience that rekindles the innocent joy of creating and sharing art while fostering support for fellow artists. Join us on this journey to spread positivity and creativity.

It takes a village!

Come share your voice and connect with like-minded individuals!